05.02.2024 - 29.03.2024 (Week 01 - Week 07)



Project 1: Proposal

Project 2: Field Study

Final Project: Visual Outcome




Project 1: Proposal

We will assemble a group of 6 members, ensuring representation from different semesters with a maximum of 3 students from the same semester. Our primary goal is to select a topic that aligns with "Cultural Sensitivity in Design" and piques our collective interest. After a thorough discussion, we will present a concise introduction to the chosen topic. Subsequently, we will engage in a research process to produce three design sketches, each accompanied by a detailed explanation. Visual references will also be included to enrich our presentation and understanding of the concepts.


In week 2, we have formed a group in the class.

Group 21:

  1. Nicole Yeow Zhi Ying (0370289) Group Leader
  2. Gam Jze Shin (0353154)
  3. Liew Xiao Hui (0353121)
  4. Tan Jie Ying (0353959)
  5. Phang Yee Theng (0372664)
  6. Sima Heshu (0368451)

After a brief meeting, our team decided to delve deeper into the topic of “Horse Face Skirts”. In the understanding and exploration surrounding the Dior incident, our goal is to shed light on the significance and impact of the horse-face dress, to raise awareness, and to initiate meaningful discussion on the matter.

Figure 1.1 Progress

After concluding our research phase, we held a meeting to discuss the final stage. Each team member contributed unique ideas, and after thorough deliberation, we decided on three concepts: a fan, a booklet, and a poster. These ideas are intended to spotlight key features and efficiently convey information to our audience.

Figure 1.2 Progress

In the task assignment, I took on the responsibility of creating the design draft for the fan. My concept revolves around utilizing the image of a fan to vividly showcase the iconic pleats of the horse skirt.

Figure 1.3 Progress

Final outcome

Figure 1.4 Final Proposal

Figure 1.4 Final Proposal Presentation

Project 2: Field Study

This stage involves collecting data specifically targeted at gathering information about cultural aspects pertinent to the theme and in line with our research objectives.


After receiving feedback from our lecturer, we proceeded with the exploration of the horse-face skirt topic. Utilizing Google Slides, we presented our data, as this was an effective method for us to communicate and elucidate our findings to our lecturer.

We used four different methods (observations, surveys, interviews, and online materials) to collect our data.

Figure 2.1 Progress

Google Forms proved to be the optimal choice for conducting surveys to gather additional insights. Additionally, we utilized various platforms such as WhatsApp, Douyin, and Little Red Book to conduct online interviews, broadening our reach and capturing diverse perspectives.

Figure 2.2 Progress

My first mission is to create the Google Form and put in the questions that have been discussed by Liew Xiao Hui and Gam Jze Shin. Separate them into sections, and add some explanations to each section. 

Figure 2.3 Progress

Following on, I conducted numerous online interviews through platforms such as WhatsApp, Douyin, and Xiao Hong Shu. However, I received only a limited number of responses, despite the extensive outreach effort.

Figure 2.4 Online Responses

Upon reaching our deadline, I compiled all the questions and answers onto Google Slides. Additionally, we crafted a paragraph of explanation for each pie chart, providing context and insights to accompany the data visualization.

Figure 2.5 Questions, Explanations, and Answers

Final outcome

Form link:

Figure 2.6 Final Field Study

Final Project: Visual Outcome

For the final task, we are tasked with selecting one of the design sketches from Project 1 and visualizing it in a manner that is both relevant to the topic and effectively conveys information.

Following a brief discussion with our lecturer, we concluded to merge the concepts of the fan and the booklet. Our plan involves crafting a fan with a QR code on it. Additionally, we will create a keychain featuring the QR code to attach to the fan. This QR code will direct users to a webpage containing detailed information about the Horse-face skirt.

Figure 3.1 Ideas

We have divided into two groups: one focused on crafting the fan by hand, and the other dedicated to creating the website.

Liew Xiao Hui, Gam Jze Shin, and I were tasked with managing the website development. Meanwhile, Nicole, Yee Theng, and Heshu assumed responsibility for creating the folding fan.

We opted for red fabric due to its symbolism of good luck and auspiciousness, as "big red" signifies prosperity and positivity.

Figure 3.2 Materials

Figure 3.3 Sketch and Outcome

After pooling our ideas on the website's style, layout, color scheme, and font, we synthesized our similar points. As a result, we decided on a color scheme of red, black, and white, reflecting elegance and sophistication. Additionally, we agreed to use the Philosopher font, as it complements the overall aesthetic of our website seamlessly.

Figure 3.4 Progress

The website will be designed with an online magazine-style layout. Simple and clear typesetting is our aim. Sketches were done by Liew Xiao Hui.

Figure 3.5 Sketch 1

Figure 3.6 Sketch 2

After receiving the feedback, we continue to create the website. Given our familiarity with Wix, we have collectively decided to utilize the platform to create our website.

Three of us had specific tasks to do. Liew Xiao Hui will be responsible for drafting all the necessary content for the website. Gam Jze Shin will oversee the overall design and layout of the website. 

Figure 3.7 Contents by Xiao Hui

Figure 3.8 Website Create By Jze Shin

Lastly, my task is to transfer all the content written by Xiao Hui onto the website and integrate relevant pictures to complement the content.

Figure 3.9 Progress

Final outcome

Figure 3.10  Final Visual Outcome

Figure 3.11  Final Visual Outcome Video

Figure 3.12 Final Project Presentation Slide

Figure 3.13 Final Video Presentation


Week 4
Our topic, "Horse-face Skirt," has been approved by our lecturer, and we have received confirmation to proceed with the data collection stage. 

Week 5
Since our topic is relatively new in the fashion world, Ms. Noranis suggested that we concentrate on the data collection stage initially. Based on the results obtained, we can then proceed with determining the final outcome. She also proposed the idea of combining the fan and booklet concepts.

Week 6

After presenting our final idea and rough sketches to Ms. Noranis, she provided positive feedback, affirming that the concept and layout were good. She also noted that we already have a clear direction. Additionally, she suggested that we can find someone interested in Mamianqun, take their photo or film a video, and include it on our website. Also, using the title "Mamianqun" will be better.


Navigating a brand new topic like "Cultural Sensitivity" posed a significant challenge for me initially, as I lacked familiarity with the concept. This uncertainty led to apprehension about the accuracy of my research findings. However, through further research and engaging in discussions with my peers, particularly during our initial exchange of findings, I have the direction and understanding of this topic. Overall, I am content with our process and the results we achieved. I'm grateful for my teammates' dedication to the project, as they remained focused throughout the process and actively contributed to group discussions. 


I've come to realize that "Cultural Sensitivity" is a topic that may not be widely understood by many, despite its relevance in our daily lives. In a world where issues like copyright and plagiarism are rigorously debated, it's crucial to acknowledge the importance of providing proper attribution, even when referencing external sources. Misinformation, varying opinions, and a lack of understanding often result in conflicts and disagreements. 


I completely agree with the significance of cultural sensitivity. Our world is rich with diverse cultures, and while we may not always possess comprehensive knowledge about each one, showing respect is essential. Just as we wouldn't appreciate others being disrespectful towards our culture, it's crucial to extend the same courtesy to others. Prior to designing any form of protection, thorough research is imperative. Increasing our understanding and appreciation of different cultures not only fosters mutual respect but also minimizes potential conflicts and arguments.


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